Green Eats: No knead

01.03.2011                      25.Adar l, 5771


Green Eats: No knead

Bread recipes without pressure.

I have no trouble kneading bread dough; in fact I find it both relaxing and a wonderful remembrance of my mom, who taught me how to do it when I was young. I may have butterfingers when it comes to other things, but in kneading I’ve developed a kind of natural rhythm that people tell me is wonderful to watch, though they find hard to replicate.
The most important things to remember about kneading are to use the palms of your hands rather than your fingers, don’t over-flour the board or dough, and use the 1-2-3 method: Fold the top of the dough over the bottom, use one or both palms to push it gently away from you, then use one of your hands (depending if you’re a lefty or a righty), to turn the dough a quarter of the way around before folding, pushing and turning again….