In newly released tape, Eichmann heard boasting about his role in Holocaust

03.04.2011                      28.Adar ll, 5771


In newly released tape, Eichmann heard boasting about his role in Holocaust

Adolf Eichmann, who masterminded expulsion and transfer of millions of Jews from their homes to death camps, expresses regret on the tape for not being able to complete his task.

As Israel marks the 50th anniversary of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, new documents and witness accounts are coming to light in Germany that reveal more details about the postwar life of the Nazi war criminal right up to his capture by the Mossad.
Over the weekend, the German weekly Der Spiegel published a transcript of a tape recording in which Eichmann, who lived in Argentina after the war, can be heard bragging to his friends about his role in the Holocaust. Eichmann is even heard expressing regret for not being able to complete the task….