Laws of the land

22.03.2012                      28.Adar. 5772                      Jom Kippur Katan

Kosher oder Nichtkosher:

Laws of the land

What is the difference between kosher and non-kosher wine? Here are the oldest of all wine laws.

The biblical and rabbinical kosher winemaking laws are the oldest of all wine laws. Those relating to the vineyards date back to the Bible. Others relating to the winery and wine service are from talmudic times. There are laws that emphasize the sanctity of the land, and others that are sound agricultural sense. Some of them may be regarded as being more symbolic today, but they address the profoundest issues of social responsibility and spirituality versus materialism. In their time, they were revolutionary.
Adhering to kashrut is essential to all Orthodox Jews, and many secular Jews as well will buy only kosher wines for Passover or the kiddush blessings. However, the regulations for wine differ from those of food. Whereas the kashrut of food depends on the source from which it came, the kashrut of wine depends on who handles it….