School of mostly native Israelis gets funding to absorb immigrant students

11.09.2011                      12.Elul, 5771


School of mostly native Israelis gets funding to absorb immigrant students

Absorption Ministry allocates NIS 320,000 to activities for immigrant students at Gordon elementary school that has only one student not born in Israel.

A Petah Tikva school at the center of a row over student enrollment receives funding for new immigrants, despite the fact that all but one of its pupils were born in Israel, Haaretz has learned.
Internal municipal documents obtained by Haaretz show that for 2011 the Immigrant Absorption Ministry and the city of Petah Tikva allocated about NIS 850,000 to activities for programs targeting new immigrants in Petah Tikva schools. About a third of that – more than NIS 320,000 – went to activities for students at Gordon elementary school. In addition the ministry transfered more than NIS 200,000 to Gordon for various activities….