06.02.2012 13.Schwat. 5772
Bubbe’s recipes rise to the top
Massachusetts-based Internet cooking sensation wins Best New Kosher Cookbook of 2011 award.
Mix together segments of social media and three tablespoons of sour cream. Cover with plastic wrap and set overnight. Garnish with applesauce, and serve. All together, you’ve got a thoroughly heimish, warm and comforting Internet sensation.
It’s not a technological breakthrough or cutting-edge website, but rather a genteel personification of all things grandmotherly. Meet Bubbe, who is the most surprised of all. She told Joint Media News Service that when it all began six years ago, she knew absolutely nothing about the internet or YouTube, but couldn’t say no to her beloved grandson’s request to make a video of her doing what she does best—cooking and rhapsodizing in the kitchen….