Criticism as Spain builds monuments to Jewish past

07.04.2011                      03.Nisan, 5771


Criticism as Spain builds monuments to Jewish past

Purpose of establishing heritage sites is to attract tourism to areas that otherwise have little to recommend them as holiday destinations.

Hidden among the maze of alleyways east of the Onyar River, the Museum of Jewish History stands as testament – if an inadvertent one – to the completeness of Spain's destruction of its once-thriving Jewish population.
Inside the museum, set in what is said to be Girona's last known synagogue, designers have layered the ancient architecture with all the flourishes of a contemporary museum, complete with glass-lit cases, multimedia displays and an audio tour in several languages.
In one case sits the signet ring belonging to Girona's most famous Jewish son, Rabbi Moses Ben Nahman Girondi, the legendary Judaic scholar known as the Ramban or Nahmanides….