Happiness in slavery: the true meaning of Passover

28.03.2013; Gründonnerstag           17.Nisan. 5773           Chol Hamo'ed1; Tag 2 des Omer

Rabbis runder Tisch:

Happiness in slavery: the true meaning of Passover

Passover is not about freedom, but about serving the most worthy of masters.

“’For the Children of Israel are servants for me’. They are my servants, and not servants of servants.” – Babylonian Talmud, Bava Metzia 10a.
Let me start with the bombshell: Passover is not about freedom. I know, I know. Your Hebrew School teacher always told you Passover was about freedom. And you have a Haggadah titled “The Feast of Freedom”. So this is a hard pill to swallow….