Heating your home

08.01.2012                      13.Tewet. 5772


Heating your home

Don't freeze this winter: Heating solutions for both the stylish and the practical.

When it comes to looking for ways to insulate ourselves from the cold, there are two types of people. The first type feels that the overall space can be cold but aspires to keep the immediate environment warm. Thus they wrap themselves in many layers, snuggle up and cling to a nearby source of heat. The second types believes that in winter one should be able to wear T-shirts and go barefoot in closed spaces, thus the heating should be comprehensive and be felt throughout the home.
For both kinds of people, this winter’s world of design offers heating solutions and means of creating a warm atmosphere in surprising forms. This season’s heating devices include a Snuggie; various kinds of fireplaces; portable heaters that provide immediate heating; and carpets and woolen items. A tall cup of hot cider with a cinnamon stick and apple slices will also provide aid on the cold front….