IDC Herzliya students launch protest against long ticket lines to annual Eilat jaunt

05.01.2012                      10.Tewet. 5772                      Fasttag im Tewet


IDC Herzliya students launch protest against long ticket lines to annual Eilat jaunt

More than 1,000 students – almost 20 percent of the 5,700-strong student body – have joined a protest group on Facebook over the issue.

Students at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya have launched a protest against their own student union over its organization of an annual trip to Eilat, after the long lines for a hotel room led to scalping of places in line for as much as NIS 1,000.
Within less than two days, more than 1,000 students – almost 20 percent of the 5,700-strong student body – have joined a protest group on Facebook over the issue. Some of the students also accuse the union and its economic corporation of overcharging for the trip, and many are angry that people who aren't IDC students were also allowed to participate….