Israeli, Palestinian experts meet over water agreements

26.09.2011                      27.Elul, 5771


Israeli, Palestinian experts meet over water agreements

Calling Oslo Accords ‘outdated,’ green group hopes to bring new solution to regional resource sharing.

For both Gidon Bromberg and Nader Khateeb, having a clean and ample supply of water far outweighs the stringencies posed by political borders.
Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian representatives took part Sunday in the first day of a two-day Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) workshop in Beit Jala, to revise and make plans for the implementation of a “Model Water Accord” proposed by the green group, a statement from the team said.
The Model Water Accord, drafted in November 2010, provides a potential structure for the Israeli and Palestinian water-sharing future and attempts to update a current system that is “outdated, inadequate, unfair and failing both peoples,” the organization said….