Letting his sax do the talking

04.04.2011                      29.Adar ll, 5771


Letting his sax do the talking

Behind a self-deprecatory façade, Kenny G is pretty serious about his music. Before his first concert in Israel, he talks to the ‘Post’ about smooth jazz with mass appeal.

He’s been the butt of so many jokes that he decided to join the party. The first blockbuster commercial that millions of American viewers of the Super Bowl in February were treated to was for Audi, and it featured a satirical take on a luxury prison breakout, where ascot-wearing, chess-playing inmates begin causing problems. When things begin to get out of hand, the guards call to the prison Riot Suppressor, played by Grammy-winning saxophonist Kenny G.
He begins to blow on his instrument into an intercom system, and within seconds, the agitated white-collar types turn into pussycats before plopping to the ground fast asleep. The not-so-subtle hint: Kenny G’s music works great as a sedative….