Nablus shooting is a deadly mistake, until proven otherwise

26.04.2011                      22.Nisan, 5771                      Shmini schel Pesach; Tag 7 des Omer


Nablus shooting is a deadly mistake, until proven otherwise

As long as an inquiry into the death of Ben-Yosef Livnat is ongoing, it is improper to treat the shooting as a terror attack that must be avenged.

The tragic death of Ben-Yosef Livnat in Nablus could have been prevented. The preliminary investigation shows that Livnat and his companions decided to visit Joseph's tomb without coordinating their trip into the Palestinian Authority with the Israel Defense Forces. They apparently broke through a Palestinian roadblock, and Palestinian police officers shot them in response.
People who wish to visit Joseph's Tomb, including Jewish worshipers, must coordinate with the army, which in turn coordinates with the Palestinian Authority. This is part of the security cooperation between the two bodies, which has been maintained to the IDF's satisfaction. There was no reason to violate it….