03.06.2011 1.Siwan, 5771 Rosch Chodesch; Tag 45 des Omer
Neues Archiv:
New archive will document life in Old City from 1917-48
Moskowitz-funded initiative to gather testimony from dozens of Jews who grew up in the neighborhood.
If walls could talk, the walls of the Old City in Jerusalem would tell a million stories.
In an effort to capture the stories that took place within the Old City from 1917 to 1948 – a unique period, often overlooked by the drama of the War of Independence – a new initiative called the Moskowitz Jerusalem Archive was launched on Thursday in the Old City.
Funded by American millionaires Irving and Cherna Moskowitz (whom also finance a variety of controversial Jewish-building projects in predominantly Arab neighborhoods), the project aims to gather the testimony of at least 50 people from across the spectrum of communities….