PM: Gov’t is working with NZ to find missing Israelis

27.02.2011                      23.Adar l, 5771


PM: Gov't is working with NZ to find missing Israelis

Whereabouts of Ofer Levy and Gabi Ingel are still unknown after earthquake ravages Christchurch, New Zealand; body of Israeli identified, death toll is at 146.

Shortly after the body of Ofer Mizrahi, the Israeli killed the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes, was identified on Sunday, Prime Minister Binjamin Netanjahu announced that the Israeli government is in contact with its counterparts in New Zealand.
"The Foreign Ministry is talking to them to see what we can do," Netanyahu announced. "We want to accelerate the efforts to find the two missing Israelis." Netanyahu said Israel has asked New Zealand's government to allow Israeli teams to search for the Israelis' bodies….