PM: We may not have enough voices in the UNSC to stop vote

26.09.2011                      27.Elul, 5771


PM: We may not have enough voices in the UNSC to stop vote

Netanyahu tells BBC Arabic that he has "noticed" the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, calls it an improvement over "3 No's" of Khartoum; says Quartet’s 2012 timetable is doable and that he's "hungry" for peace.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said he is not sure Israel and the United States will be able to enlist enough votes against the Palestinian application for UN membership in order to prevent it from coming to a vote in the UN Security Council, Israel Radio reported Monday citing a BBC Arabic interview.
As the Security Council prepares to deal with the request on Monday, it was still unclear if the Palestinians would have the necessary nine votes to pass their measure in the 15-member body, which approves all membership applications to the United Nations….