Protesters to stay in square ‚as long as necessary‘

02.02.2011                      28.Shevat, 5771


Protesters to stay in square 'as long as necessary'

Egyptians call on Israel to oppose Mubarak, say if support continues for leader, "we will start to hate Israel more and more."

As the Turkish foreign minister urged Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to listen to his people, on Tuesday afternoon demonstrator Ahmed Mustafa, an electrical engineer, said that this could be a perfect opportunity for Israel to change its image in the minds of Egyptians by urging Mubarak’s resignation.
“If Israel continues to support Mubarak, we will start to hate Israel more and more,” he said. “Israel has to give up. Now Israel is a friend of one man, of Mubarak, but tomorrow it needs to be a friend of 80 million.