Sensitivity and the sword

01.12.2012                      17.Kislew. 5773                      Wajischlach


Sensitivity and the sword

‘And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him; and they wept’ (Vayishlah; Genesis 33:4)

I am writing these lines on the seventh day of Operation Pillar of Defense, as the cabinet is deciding whether to begin a ground offensive in Gaza. There are two sides to the issue: On the one hand, we began this military operation to gain some respite for normal living for our residents in the South. For years they have been suffering from the constant threat of rocket fire from Hamas, which interrupted any normal semblance of life. No sovereign state could legitimately accept a cease-fire that would not at least bring a reasonable period of peace to its cities….