This Week in History: The first Kassam hits Sderot

15.04.2011                      11.Nisan, 5771

Vor 10 Jahren:

This Week in History: The first Kassam hits Sderot

For 10 years, Israelis have lived in a constant state of fear, been injured, and nearly two-dozen killed by crudely built rockets from Gaza.

On April 16, 2001, the first of many thousands of rockets was fired from Gaza at the western Negev communities straddling the Strip’s border. On that early spring day, the residents of Sderot had their first taste of the terror that would come to define life in the previously quiet town for the next 10 years.
The rockets have proved to be a true source of terror for the residents of Sderot and other border-region communities. Several years ago, the first victim of a Kassam attack described to The Jerusalem Post how she lives in a bomb shelter and for months at a time and often times finds herself too scared to take her small children to school. Unfortunately, her story is not unique….