Water bill would require public institutions to recycle

07.06.2011                      5.Siwan, 5771                      Erew Schawuot; Tag 49 des Omer


Water bill would require public institutions to recycle

Knesset c'tee approves bill on regulation of water separation systems, collection, reuse of drain water to optimize usage.

The Knesset Internal Affairs and Environmental Committee approved a bill Monday morning that would require public institutions to use recycled, or gray water, a committee spokesman announced that afternoon.
The bill, initiated by committee head MK Amnon Cohen (Shas), will be integrated with two previous bills of MKs Dov Henin (Hadash) and Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) under the umbrella of the Environment Protection Bill, which will focus on the wise use of natural resources, such as recycled drain water, the spokesman said.
The purpose of the bill is to regulate the building, installation and operation of water separation systems and to control the collection and reuse of drain water in an effort to optimize water usage while maintaining public health, according to the spokesman….