ADL urges Facebook to remove ‚Third Intifada‘ page

26.03.2011                      20.Adar ll, 5771


ADL urges Facebook to remove 'Third Intifada' page

National Director Foxman says page misleadingly calls for peaceful demonstrations; regrets Facebook has not yet taken down page.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL)  has "reached out to Facebook" to remove a "cause" page entitled "Third Palestinian Intifada," saying the page constitutes "an appaling abuse of technology to promote terrorist violence." According to an official statement, the ADL's request has not been met. 
ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman said the page misleadingly calls for peaceful demonstrations given that it asks supporters to "build on the previous two intifadas" in a current climate that has seen a dramatic increase in rocket attacks from Gaza, the brutal murder of the Fogel family in the West Bank, and a terrorist bombing in Jerusalem.”…