The Israeli leaders who denounce Jewish terror are responsible for it

15.12.2011                      19.Kislev. 5772


The Israeli leaders who denounce Jewish terror are responsible for it

'He who sowed the wind should not feign horror when the Jewish terror storm comes. He who demands silencing the muezzin should not fake surprise when a mosque is burned.'

The flood of condemnations has not put out the fire. The torch procession is still thundering toward the Temple Mount mosques, to the great conflagration that will rage in all corners of the Temple. The denouncers can prepare their fire extinguishers and fire-and-brimstone preaching.
"The IDF is us," writes the head of the Yesha Council of settlements, characteristically washing his hands until the storm subsides. Indeed, this is what the Israel Defense Forces looks like – a settler militia. Moles have gnawed at its foundations, leaving but cardboard props. For a long time it hasn't been clear whose authority it answers to and rabbis have defeated the commanders. The general in command is deluding himself. He is not the commander in the area. Will a stone to the head make him understand?…