Letters, drawings for Gilad help him, hospital children‘

18.10.2011                      20.Tischrei. 5772                       Chol Hamo'ed 4


'Letters, drawings for Gilad help him, hospital children'

Writing letters to Gilad connects children to their surroundings, improves their mood, says Kaplan psychologist.

Although it’s unlikely that Gilad Schalit will have time to read them, letters written by hospitalized children and doctors at Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot are thought by psychologists to help in their recovery.
“Writing letters to Gilad connects them with their normal surroundings outside, improves their mood and supplies interest and a target,” said Dr. Pini Cassuto, a Kaplan psychologist who was head of a unit for locating MIAs after the young soldier was kidnapped….