Looking Back: A 1999 Interview with Hanan Porat

05.10.2011                      07.Tischrei. 5772


Looking Back: A 1999 Interview with Hanan Porat

After his resignation from the Knesset, the 'Post' sat down with Porat, who passed away this week. Here is the interview from our archives.

How do you feel now you are completing a circle by returning to the settler movement from which you launched your public career?
I'm not closing a circle with regard to the fight for the Land of Israel. On the contrary, I think I'm opening a new circle at the grassroots level.
It's just that today I don't see the Knesset as the place from which I can particularly contribute. I always look to see from where I can achieve the most. I'm not looking to remain in a particular seat, nor to conform to norms, nor to be proud….