Netanyahu is ‚happy‘ to accept peace plans, less so to seal the deal

04.10.2011                      06.Tischrei. 5772


Netanyahu is 'happy' to accept peace plans, less so to seal the deal

Netanyahu is counting on the fact that Israeli citizens won't read the fine print of the Quartet's plan, and that the media will just report he has 'adopted' the plan and is calling on the Palestinians to follow suit.

If the government's declaration that it welcomes the Quartet's plan is really true, it is not only a political revolution the likes of which we have not seen since the signing of the Oslo Accords 18 years ago, it is also a dramatic political change unlike any other since the Likud won the 1977 elections.
If Benjamin Netanyahu is really ready to adopt the international foursome's plan, Meretz Knesset members should must now find a tailor specializing in suits for government ministers. On the other hand, Avigdor Lieberman and his friends from Yisrael Beiteinu, like Daniel Hershkowitz and his mates from Habayit Hayehudi, Eli Yishai of Shas, and Likud members such as Benny Begin and Moshe Ya'alon will have to make an effort to remain in a government that is prepared even to merely consider the plan. If they suspected that Netanyahu really accepts it as a basis for negotiations, they would have hung up their own suits in the closet….