The Ikea prophesy

28.03.2011                      22.Adar ll, 5771


The Ikea prophesy

Ten years after it landed with a bang in Israel, Ikea has more than achieved its goal of altering how people design their homes – it has become a critical part of the local consciousness.

A revolution in Israeli furniture, design awareness, a pleasanter living environment – these are the words former Ikea Israel CEO Dov Rochman used 10 years ago after the Swedish furniture giant launched its first Israeli branch. Yet even Rochman did not predict how quickly and forcefully local customers would embrace the local furniture giant.
Its catalogue is known as "the local Bible." The Netanya branch became an alternative to the shopping mall for family outings. Religious singles used it as a neutral space for first dates. Some people came just to eat Swedish hot dogs and meatballs in the cafeteria….