The year the music died / Music video directors accuse Channel 24 of killing Israeli music

21.03.2011                      15.Adar ll, 5771


The year the music died / Music video directors accuse Channel 24 of killing Israeli music

Channel 24 is allegedly too focused on Mizrahi music at the expense of other genres – a contention that the television station said smacks of 'racism'.

An anonymous video posted online has pinpointed the year the music died: 2009, when Israel's music channel was acquired by Channel 2 franchise holder Keshet Broadcasting.
The video shows the tombstones of indie, rock, world music and electronic music, as well as those of prominent local music video directors including Roi Werner, Asaf Billet, Tomer Bahat and Noam Vardi, and portrays the Israeli music industry – and the music video industry in particular – as having been killed off by the music channel….